Saturday, October 13, 2007

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIFITRI to all my muslin friends.....

Selamat hari raya Aidifitri to all my Muslim friends...thank you for give me a holiday,hehe
i am just reach home and take a shower,so tired today,i just came back from my new house,today whole day bikin the lighting stuffs,pasang lampu,pasang ini pasang itu,special thanks to my abang ipar,he come from tawau just becoz to help me pasang the lampong,hehe....tomolo will continue to pasang kipas etc etc.........
when i helping my abang ipar,i perasan i actually dah lama tak pegang screw driver =.=|| why?lets see my hand ----->kulit jari aku terkupas!! sakit when i cuci it....sob sob,
ps: sorry for the geli geli picture


The Little Creamy said...

so kesian ahh ... let me siak siak!
But, your hand really geli oh ...

Anonymous said...

Aiyo, like girl la you. A bit a bit do handyman's job also terkupas kulit. :P